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In the "Sales" section, you can get the best prices for clothing, handbags, jewelry, etc.
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Sign up for the SaksFirst World Elite Mastercard and you will get a $ 25 Saks gift card when you make your first purchase outside of Saks.
Regularly look for special limited-time promotions online, such as free expedited delivery of all orders.
Provide gift guides for special occasions and holidays (such as Valentine's Day) regularly. Search for the perfect gift by category, price or clearance.
All orders on Saks Fifth Avenue can enjoy free standard shipping. Most orders sent via standard shipping will arrive within 3-8 working days, but some areas may charge a fee. If you are a consumer in other countries, it is recommended that you contact customer service staff before confirming your order to ensure that you can get the best price.
If you find that the received goods do not meet your expectations or send the wrong goods, you can contact customer service to apply and return the product as needed. But you have to make sure that the returned product is in a state where it can be resold. After receiving the goods, your fees will be refunded to your account.
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